US protester shot dead in West Bank | 美国著名抗议者在约旦河西岸被枪杀 - FT中文网

US protester shot dead in West Bank

Turkish-American dual national Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, was killed by Israeli troops, says Turkey
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi was a well-known activist against Israeli settlement expansion
艾谢努尔•埃兹吉•埃伊吉(Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi)是一位著名的反对以色列定居点扩张的活动家
A US-Turkish dual citizen was shot dead by Israeli forces while protesting against Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank on Friday, Turkey’s foreign ministry said.
土耳其外交部表示,一名美土双重国籍公民周五在被占领的以西岸(West Bank)抗议犹太人定居点时被以色列军队枪杀。
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, was shot in the head, according to Turkish authorities, and died after being taken to a Palestinian hospital. Eygi was a well-known activist against Israeli settlement expansion in the town of Beita, outside Nablus, where she was killed, Palestinian media reported.
Her death comes at a time of high tensions between Turkey and Israel over the war in Gaza, which has also frayed the key relationship between Israel and the US, its closest ally. It follows an escalation of violence in the West Bank, where Israeli forces over the past two weeks have carried out one of their biggest operations in the territory in years.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters in the Dominican Republic on Friday that “we deplore this tragic loss. When we have more info, we will share it, make it available and, as necessary, we’ll act on it”, he added.
美国国务卿安东尼•布林肯(Antony Blinken)周五在多米尼加共和国告诉记者:“我们对这一悲剧性的损失感到遗憾。当我们获得更多信息时,我们将分享并提供它,并在必要时采取行动。”
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned “Israel’s barbaric intervention against a civilian protest against the occupation in the West Bank” and said his country would “continue to work on every platform to end Israel’s occupation and genocide policy”.
土耳其总统雷杰普•塔伊普•埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdoğan)谴责“以色列对以西岸占领的民众抗议的野蛮干预”,并表示他的国家将“继续在各个平台上努力,以结束以色列的占领和种族灭绝政策”。
The Israeli military said its forces had fired towards the demonstration after rocks were thrown, but that it was still “looking into” reports Eygi was killed “as a result of shots fired in the area”.
Eygi’s is the third high-profile killing blamed on Israeli forces of a US citizen in the West Bank in recent years. Palestinian-American Shireen Abu Akleh, an Al Jazeera journalist, was shot dead by Israeli forces while covering a gun battle with militants in the Jenin refugee camp in May 2022.
埃伊吉的死是近年来以色列军队对美国公民在以西岸的第三起高调杀害事件。2022年5月,半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)记者希琳•阿布•阿克勒(Shireen Abu Akleh)在杰宁难民营报道与武装分子的枪战时被以色列军队击毙。
Omar As’ad, also a Palestinian-American national, died from a heart attack in January 2022 aged 78 after he was detained by Israeli forces at a checkpoint, gagged and then abandoned.
巴勒斯坦裔美国国民奥马尔•阿萨德(Omar As’ad)在2022年1月因心脏病发作去世,他在一个检查站被以色列军队拘留、堵嘴然后被遗弃。
Hussein al-Sheikh, secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, wrote on social media platform X on Friday: “Another crime added to the series of crimes committed daily by the occupation forces, which require that their perpetrators be held accountable in international courts.”
巴勒斯坦解放组织(Palestine Liberation Organisation)秘书长侯赛因•阿尔谢赫周五在社交媒体平台X上写道:“占领军每天犯下的一系列罪行中又增加了一起,需要在国际法庭上追究肇事者的责任。”
Palestinian health authorities later on Friday reported that 13-year old Bana Amjad Bakr had also been killed in the nearby village of Qaryut. Eyewitnesses and Israeli human rights groups said she was struck in the chest by a bullet while in her home as Israeli settlers clashed with residents.
巴勒斯坦卫生当局在周五晚些时候报告称,13岁的巴娜•阿姆贾德•巴克尔(Bana Amjad Bakr)在附近的卡里尤特村也被杀害。目击者和以色列人权组织称,她在家中被子弹击中胸部,当时以色列定居者与居民发生冲突。
Israeli military personnel were also reportedly in the area, and it remains unclear who fired the shot. 
The Israeli military on Friday said its forces had pulled out of the city of Jenin and an adjacent refugee camp after an operation that it said was also targeting militant hotspots in nearby Tulkarem and the Jordan Valley.
以色列军方周五表示,其部队已经从杰宁市和相邻的难民营撤离,此次行动还针对附近的图勒凯尔姆和约旦河谷(Jordan Valley)的激进分子聚集地。
More than 30 Palestinians were killed in the operation, according to the Palestinian health ministry. The Israel military claimed that 14 of them in Jenin alone were armed militants.
Since Hamas’s October 7 attack triggered the war in Gaza, the Israel military has intensified its raids in the West Bank, while Jewish settlers have stepped up their attacks against Palestinians. Israeli forces have killed more than 630 Palestinians in the occupied territory, according to UN figures, and settlers have killed at least 11 in the course of hundreds of attacks.
Over the same period, Palestinians in the West Bank have killed 18 Israelis, including 13 soldiers and five settlers, in the territory and another 10 Israelis in Israel, according to the UN. 
At the same time, settlement construction has soared over the past 18 months under the far-right Israeli government, after Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition entrusted much of the control over civilian affairs in the West Bank to pro-settlement ultranationalists.
与此同时,在极右翼以色列政府执政的过去18个月里,定居点建设飙升,此前本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)的执政联盟将以西岸的民政事务控制权大部分交给了亲定居点的极端民族主义者。









