The end of the house party | 住宅派对的结束 - FT中文网
The end of the house party

Have the housing and rental markets finally killed this form of wild, bombastic chaos — and reduced it to a nostalgic, commercialised ‘immersive experience’? | 住房和租赁市场是否最终消灭了这种疯狂、夸张的混乱,并将其简化为一种怀旧的、商业化的“沉浸式体验”?

Everyone is drinking and singing along — badly — to karaoke classics in the parents’ bedroom. There’s an old Nintendo 64 in the corner. Red Solo cups litter the beer pong table and you can hear the bass of someone’s terrible AUX cord song choice in the soles of your feet. You know next to nobody here. You lost your friend in the queue for the toilets and now you’re frantically texting them from a corner of the kitchen while trying to ignore the strangers snogging each other next to you. Several people are vaping in what they think is a surreptitious way, so they don’t get told off. This is, for all intents and purposes, a house party. In a sense. It’s just not a real one. 
每个人都在父母的卧室里喝酒,跟着卡拉OK的经典曲目唱着跑调的歌。角落里有一台旧任天堂64。红色塑料杯散落在啤酒乒乓球桌上,你能听到某人糟糕的AUX线歌曲选择通过脚底传来的低音。你几乎不认识这里的任何人。你在排队上厕所时把朋友弄丢了,现在你正在厨房的一个角落里拼命给他们发短信,同时试图忽略旁边陌生人亲吻的情景。有几个人在偷偷吸电子烟,以免被责备。从某种意义上说,这是一个住宅派对(house party),但它并不是真正的聚会。
This is House Party, a club that opened a few weeks ago in Soho, which bills itself as “the ultimate house party experience in London”. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it self-identifies as a “new and disruptive concept” (a series of words which mean absolutely nothing). 
这就是House Party,几周前在苏活区开业的俱乐部,自称为“伦敦的终极住宅派对体验”。也许并不令人意外,它自我标榜为一个“新颖且具有颠覆性的概念”(这些词实际上毫无意义)。
“I’ve always loved the energy of a classic house party — it’s where the best memories are made,” said co-founder Stormzy in a pre-released statement to coincide with House Party’s launch. “We wanted to create a nostalgic experience where everyone is welcome, and no two nights are the same. We all know everyone wants to go to a house party, nobody really wants to host one — and this is exactly what this house is for.”
“我一直喜欢经典住宅派对的活力——那是最美好回忆的诞生地,”共同创始人斯托兹(Stormzy)在一份与House Party启动同时发布的预先声明中表示。“我们想要营造一种怀旧体验,让每个人都感到欢迎,且每个夜晚都独一无二。我们都知道每个人都想去参加住宅派对,但没人真的想主办一个——这正是这个房子存在的意义。”
There is some truth in this press release. No one under the age of 45 wants to host house parties any more. Or perhaps more accurately — even if they wanted to, many couldn’t. Blame exorbitant rents pushing people out of town or into flats they certainly don’t want to damage. Blame house prices; fewer young people own houses to even have a party. The house party in all its sweaty, drunken, bombastic chaos is a dying art. So much so that those of us lusting after the dream of hosting pre-drinks in our own homes will trek into central London and pay upwards of a tenner for a drink (plus cover charge) to act out this experience instead.
Located on Poland Street, House Party is the zenith of Secret Cinema culture; the natural end point of the ‘‘immersive experience”; almost impressive in its attempt to monetise sentimentality. A seven-floor nightclub with bouncers outside (“no smoking indoors please, mum will kill me”, has become “no smoking indoors please, we’ll lose our licence”). “Our house. Your party”, it tells punters, who can, for a price, hang around in a fake basement or a fake living room — or hire it out for corporate and private events. 
位于波兰街(Poland Street)的House Party是秘密电影(Secret Cinema)文化的巅峰,是“沉浸式体验”的自然终点;在试图将感伤变现方面几乎令人印象深刻。这是一个七层楼的夜总会,门外有保安(“请不要在室内吸烟,妈妈会杀了我”已变成“请不要在室内吸烟,我们会失去许可证”)。它告诉顾客:“我们的家。你的派对”,顾客可以付费在一个假地下室或一个假客厅里闲逛,或者将其租用给企业和私人活动。
House Party is the swan song, or perhaps the dying whale noise, for real house party culture, whose demise has long been prophesied. 
House Party是真正住宅派对文化的绝唱,或者可以说是垂死鲸鱼的哀鸣,其消亡早已被预言。
As far back as 2015, The New York Times was publishing eulogies for the house party, pointing out that for Zoomers, debauchery generally has somewhat lost its sheen; Gen Z drinks far less than its hard-partying, binge-happy millennial predecessors — in the US the number of high school seniors who said they never attended parties was cited as being a sobering 41.3 per cent, according to a University of California survey. Likewise, almost half of Britain’s youngest boozers — 44 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds — consider themselves to be either occasional or regular drinkers of “alcohol alternatives”, according to a 2024 YouGov survey. It also found that the age group was the most sober overall, with 39 per cent not drinking alcohol at all. Given that they’re paying more for both university and rent, it’s hard to blame them.
早在2015年,《纽约时报》(The New York Times)就开始发表对住宅派对的悼词,指出对于Z世代(Gen Z)来说,放纵的魅力已经大大减弱;与过度狂欢的千禧一代前辈相比,Z世代的饮酒量要少得多——根据加利福尼亚大学的一项调查,美国高中毕业生中从未参加过派对的比例高达41.3%。同样,根据舆观(YouGov)2024年的一项调查,英国最年轻的酒鬼中,有44%的18至24岁年轻人自称是“酒精替代品”的偶尔或经常饮用者。调查还发现,这个年龄段的人整体上最为清醒,有39%的人根本不喝酒。考虑到他们在大学和租房方面的花费更高,很难责怪他们。
Yet their predecessors, millennials, are hardly still fighting the good fight for the house party either. This generation isn’t hosting ragers either, but it’s not alcohol related. We’re more likely to head into central London to spend eight quid on a pint, or hundreds on a curated immersive experience in Poland Street, clearly. 
A woman dressed in a form-fitting, black lace outfit positioned in a somewhat cramped, indoor space, leaning into a white shelving unit

‘Who can afford to own a house any more?’

Rebecca Zephyr Thomas
Two women seated on a richly patterned sofa in a room with eclectic decor

‘Some of us may do but is it a little off to celebrate that by opening your home up to renting friends every weekend?’

Rebecca Zephyr Thomas
A woman dressed in a form-fitting, black lace outfit positioned in a somewhat cramped, indoor space, leaning into a white shelving unit‘谁还能负担得起买房子呢?’ 丽贝卡•泽菲尔•托马斯
Two women seated on a richly patterned sofa in a room with eclectic decor我们中的一些人可能会这样做,但每个周末都把自己的家开放给租房的朋友来庆祝,这样真的合适吗?——丽贝卡•泽菲尔•托马斯
As a spokesperson (they prefer “housemates”) from House Party creator Cream Group put it, with ominous brevity, when I asked about the appeal of the club: “Who can afford to own a house any more?”
正如House Party创始人Cream Group的发言人(他们更喜欢称之为“室友”)简洁而不祥地回答我关于这个俱乐部吸引力的问题时所说:“现在还有谁能负担得起一栋房子呢?”
Not millennials, apparently. Home ownership among younger people has been in decline over the past 20 years, suggests a recent Building Societies Association’s report. For millennials, 39 per cent own a home, according to data from the Institute for Fiscal Studies; data from Zoopla shows that among those who don’t own, 42 per cent have given up hope. 
显然不是千禧一代。最近英国建筑协会(Building Societies Association)的一份报告显示,年轻人的房屋拥有率在过去20年中一直在下降。根据财政研究所的数据,千禧一代中有39%拥有房屋;Zoopla的数据显示,在那些没有房屋的人中,有42%已经放弃了希望。

Soho’s House Party is the swan song, or perhaps the dying whale noise, for real house party culture, whose demise has long been prophesied

House Party是真正的住宅派对文化的绝唱,或许也可以说是垂死的鲸鱼之音,其消亡早已被预言

Of course, it’s not as simple as a generational issue. As millennials have reached the crucial age of 28-44, it’s become a class-based one. House prices have risen more steeply than salaries, to the extent that more than a third of first-time buyers turn to the bank of mum and dad. In other words, some of us own homes but of those who do, is it a little off to celebrate the privilege by opening your home up to renting friends every weekend?
A question for the millennials among us, homeowners and renters alike: When was the last time you were at a proper, good house party? When was the last time you were at a proper, bad house party, even? If your memory is hazy in placing either of these things, I would suggest it has little to do with badly mixed own-brand supermarket vodka squash and more to do with the fact it was a depressingly long time ago. 
My memories of both varieties of house party — similarly hazy — all share a common thread. There was the time my friend put his foot through a glass patio door while drunk and missed a week of school. There was the minor diplomatic incident I caused with a uni flatmate’s policeman boyfriend when I hosted a small (tiny really, don’t know what his problem was) St Patrick’s Day party, when he decided he hated both listening to the Wolfe Tones and drinking rocket fuel tricolour jelly shots. There was the time I accidentally got my colleague in trouble for doing karaoke on a Wednesday night at 3am in Bethnal Green — because his next-door neighbour’s baby was sleeping.  
我对这两种住宅派对的记忆同样模糊,但都有一个共同点。有一次,我的朋友喝醉后踢碎了玻璃阳台门,因此缺课一周。还有一次,在我举办的一个小型(实际上非常小,不明白他为何不满)圣帕特里克节派对上,我因为一个大学室友的警察男友不喜欢沃尔夫托恩斯的音乐和火箭燃料三色果冻酒,而引发了一场小型外交事件。还有一次,我在贝斯纳尔格林(Bethnal Green)的一个星期三凌晨3点唱卡拉OK,不小心让我的同事因为他的邻居的婴儿正在睡觉而陷入麻烦。
‘When was the last time you were at a proper, good house party? When was the last time you were at a proper, bad house party, even?’
All of these incidents caused damage in some way — to neighbourhood relations, to my professional reputation, to patio doors, to the peace process — but in all of them the danger was offset by the material and financial reality of the partygoers. The mum with the broken patio door had house insurance. My university flat was so damp the white walls were practically tricolours themselves. I didn’t really care about my friend’s flat in Bethnal Green. The reward outweighed the risk.
I have never had a house party in my current flat, where the rent is so high that if I think about it too long or too hard I’m filled with debilitating ennui. A party risks damage, damage risks annoying my landlord and that risks triggering my eviction into a brutally competitive rental market where I’d be paying even more than I am currently. 
I also live in the depths of south London, where nobody wants to come, unless they also live in the depths of south London. This, too, is motivated by the same housing crisis that has stolen the art of a house party from us. 
On average, London asking rents now average £32,000 annually according to Rightmove, by far the most expensive rate in the UK. The average rental prices in the city have increased in the past year by 4 per cent. It should also be noted that this is not a problem specific to London — there’s a similar situation in the US, too. As the FT reported in May, in Manhattan there were, somehow, 50 active rentals over $50,000 per month on the market, with 20 recently rented at an average asking price of $75,000 per month. Meanwhile, last year average rents hit close to $6,000 a month, a year ago — up 30 per cent compared with 2019, with studios more than $3,000. 
Rents and house prices have pushed young Londoners into suburbs such as Bexley, south of the capital
It used to be that to avoid the price of living in London at least you could go “further out”, or stay “close” to town but live in more and more inhospitable places. A fun example: when I was priced out of Bethnal Green, I lived above a pub in Hackney, with two windows and a boiler that leaked carbon monoxide into our bedrooms. Today even this is a hack that no longer works. Outside the city rents have also hit record highs of £1,316 per month countrywide, according to Rightmove data. Advertised rents outside of London are around 7 per cent higher than a year ago. There is no point, in other words, in fleeing to where pints are cheaper. The hypothetical after-parties will still be expensive. Zoopla’s analysis shows that the lowest monthly rents in London are currently found in Bexley, Croydon, Sutton, Havering and Bromley. 
Of these, the cheapest, Bexley, has average rents of £1,520. There is nothing wrong with Bexley. Nor with Croydon, Sutton, Havering and Bromley. But these places should not be filled to bursting with young, hard-partying professionals who are pushing up rent prices further and further into Zone 6, pricing out the people who already live in what until recently would have been classed as Greater London suburbs. 
其中最便宜的贝克斯利,平均租金为1520英镑。贝克斯利本身没有问题,克罗伊登、萨顿、黑弗灵和布罗姆利也同样。但这些地方不应该被爱狂欢的年轻专业人士挤得水泄不通,他们把租金价格不断推高至第6区,使得原本居住在这些直到不久前还被认为是大伦敦(Greater London)郊区的居民承受不起。
In these once-suburbs, surrounded often by young families suffering under the same financial pressures of the private rental market, house parties are restricted by the long arm of the law. More specifically, by noise complaints. Where my colleague’s neighbour once simply contented himself with screaming at us all from the street for being selfish brats (he was right), under greater financial pressures, tenants and homeowners alike are now going straight to the police and the council. London receives the most noise complaints in the UK, recording nearly 152,000 in the year to June 2022, according to research by insurance company Direct Line — a third of the total for the UK that year.
在这些曾经的郊区,周围通常都是同样承受私人租房市场经济压力的年轻家庭,住宅派对因此受到法律的严格限制,尤其是因为噪音投诉。我同事的邻居过去只是在街上对我们这些自私的孩子大喊(他是对的),但在更大的经济压力下,租户和房主现在都直接向警察和市政会投诉。根据保险公司Direct Line的研究,伦敦是英国噪音投诉最多的城市,截至2022年6月,共记录了近152,000起投诉,占当年英国总数的三分之一。

A party risks damage, damage risks annoying my landlord and that risks triggering my eviction into a brutally competitive rental market


Against that bleak picture, it’s perhaps understandable that ventures like House Party, dystopian as though they may be, can exist and even flourish. 
在这种黯淡的背景下,像House Party这样的活动,尽管可能带有反乌托邦的色彩,但能够存在乃至蓬勃发展,或许是可以理解的。
They’ve given us a space where we’re meant to “lose yourself in nostalgia and embrace the chaos that you can only find at a mate’s house party”. But it’s not a mate’s house party. Because your mates can’t have them any more. 
I don’t want to believe that the obsolescence of house party culture is permanent as ardently as I want to believe the housing crisis and private rental market is salvageable in its current state. We should refuse to eulogise the house party, and have more of them that aren’t Soho simulacrums. Just not round my house. TfL selfishly won’t install a Tube line that reaches me and my next-door neighbour’s just selfishly given birth.
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