Sundar Pichai: AI can strengthen cyber defences, not just break them down | 桑达尔•皮查伊:人工智能可以加强网络防御,而不仅仅是破坏它们 - FT中文网

Sundar Pichai: AI can strengthen cyber defences, not just break them down

Private and public institutions must work together to harness the technology’s potential
The writer is chief executive of Google and Alphabet 
Last year saw rapid and significant technological change powered by progress in artificial intelligence. Millions of people are now using AI tools to learn new things, and to be more productive and creative. As progress continues, society will need to decide how best to harness AI’s enormous potential while addressing its risks. 
At Google, our approach is to be bold in our ambition for AI to benefit people, drive economic progress, advance science and address the most pressing societal challenges. And we’re committed to developing and deploying AI responsibly: the Gemini models we launched in December, which are our most capable yet, went through the most robust safety evaluations we’ve ever done. 
On Thursday, I visited the Institute Curie in Paris to discuss how our AI tools could help with their pioneering work on some of the most serious forms of cancer. On Friday, at the Munich Security Conference, I’ll join discussions about another important priority: AI’s impact on global and regional security. 
周四,我访问了巴黎的居里研究所(Institute Curie),讨论我们的人工智能工具如何帮助他们在一些最严重的癌症形式上的开创性工作。周五,在慕尼黑安全会议(Munich Security Conference)上,我将参与关于另一个重要优先事项的讨论:人工智能对全球和地区安全的影响。
Leaders in Europe and elsewhere have expressed worries about the potential of AI to worsen cyber attacks. Those concerns are justified, but with the right foundations, AI has the potential over time to strengthen rather than weaken the world’s cyber defences.
Harnessing AI could reverse the so-called defender’s dilemma in cyber security, according to which defenders need to get it right 100 per cent of the time, while attackers need to succeed only once. With cyber attacks now a tool of choice for actors seeking to destabilise economies and democracies, the stakes are higher than ever. Fundamentally, we need to guard against a future where attackers can innovate using AI and defenders can’t.
To empower defenders, we began embedding researchers and AI approaches in Google cyber security teams more than a decade ago. More recently, we’ve developed a specialised large language model fine-tuned for security and threat intelligence. 
We’re seeing the ways AI can bolster cyber defences. Some of our tools are already up to 70 per cent better at detecting malicious scripts and up to 300 per cent more effective at identifying files that exploit vulnerabilities. And AI learns quickly, helping defenders adapt to financial crime, espionage or phishing attacks like the ones that recently hit the US, France and other places. 
That speed is helping our own detection and response teams, which have seen time savings of 51 per cent and have achieved higher-quality results using generative AI. Our Chrome browser examines billions of URLs against millions of known malicious web resources, and sends more than 3mn warnings per day, protecting billions of users. 
Empowering defenders also means making sure AI systems are secure by default, with privacy protections built in. This technical progress will continue. But capturing the full opportunity of AI-powered security goes beyond the technology itself. I see three key areas where private and public institutions can work together.
First, regulation and policy. I said last year that AI is too important not to regulate well. Europe’s AI Act is an important development in balancing innovation and risk. As others debate this question, it’s critical that the governance decisions we make today don’t tip the balance in the wrong direction. 
首先,是规章制度和政策。我去年说过,人工智能太重要了,不能不加以良好的监管。欧洲的人工智能法案(AI Act)在平衡创新和风险方面是一个重要的发展。在其他人辩论这个问题的同时,我们今天所做的治理决策不能朝错误的方向倾斜。
Policy initiatives can bolster our collective security — for example, by encouraging the pooling of data sets to improve models, or exploring ways to bring AI defences into critical infrastructure sectors. Diversifying public sector technology procurement could help institutions avoid the risks of relying on a single legacy supplier.
Second, AI and skills training, to ensure people have the digital literacy needed to defend against cyber threats. To help, we’ve launched an AI Opportunity Initiative for Europe to provide a range of foundational and advanced AI training. We’re also supporting innovative start-ups, like the Ukrainian-led company LetsData, which provides a real-time “AI radar” against disinformation in more than 50 countries. 
Third, we need deeper partnership among businesses, governments, and academic and security experts. Our Málaga safety engineering centre is focused on cross collaboration that raises security standards for everyone. At the same time, global forums and systems — like the Frontier Model Forum and our Secure AI Framework — will play an important role in sharing new approaches that work. 
第三,我们需要加强企业、政府、学术界和安全专家之间的合作伙伴关系。我们的马拉加安全工程中心致力于跨界合作,提高安全标准。与此同时,像前沿模式论坛(Frontier Model Forum)和我们的安全人工智能框架(Secure AI Framework)这样的全球论坛和系统将在分享有效方法方面发挥重要作用。
Protecting people on an open, global web is an urgent example of why we need a bold and responsible approach to AI. It’s not the only one. Helping researchers identify new medicines for diseases, improving alerts in times of natural disasters, or opening up new opportunities for economic growth are all just as urgent, and will benefit from AI being developed responsibly. Progress in all of these areas will benefit Europe, and the world.











