Make investing simpler and easier in 2024 | 如何让投资变得更简单、更容易? - FT中文网

Make investing simpler and easier in 2024

Weed out the poor performers and declutter your portfolio
Many people enjoy investing, citing it as a rewarding hobby, but others find it a chore and a bore. And even if you’ve been a hobbyist investor for many years, life can throw curveballs in your way.
Investment is a long game during which our level of enthusiasm for money management can wax and wane. My attention to pensions and Isa investments slipped when I had small kids and we moved house five times in three years. I’m sure it won’t be the last time my focus shifts.
Over the festive period, I became part of the “sandwich generation”, supporting parents and children at the same time. In my case it was made more challenging because I live 200 miles away from mum and dad. I’m finding little time for financial admin, aside from pressing issues such as paying the tax bill by January 31.
Other later life transitions, such as a career change or poor health, could also mean there’s no time to monitor performance spreadsheets, keeping up with company results or following financial markets.
But if you don’t spend time on something to do it well, will it all fall apart? Not necessarily, with regards to investing. A series of academic studies have shown that asset allocation accounts for the lion’s share of investment performance, with stock selection and market timing only adding a little extra on top.
Yes, there are rival papers such as “The Equal Importance of Asset Allocation and Active Management” from 2010. Even there, though, James Xiong, Roger Ibbotson and colleagues found about three-quarters of a typical fund’s variation in returns over time comes from general market movement, with the remaining portion split roughly evenly between the specific asset allocation and active management.
是的,还有一些持不同观点的论文,比如2010年的《资产配置与主动管理同等重要》。即使在那篇论文中,熊笑忠(James Xiong)、罗杰•伊博森(Roger Ibbotson)及其同事也发现,一只典型基金在一段时间内的收益变化中,约有四分之三来自总体市场走势,其余部分大致平均分配在特定资产配置和主动管理之间。
But academic papers shouldn’t account for how we live or manage our lives. Nor should we try to be investment portfolio managers in our spare time, when we don’t have any time to spare.
I’m a firm believer that keeping investments simple can bring better overall results with less effort, not least because it can bring non-financial benefits to your life that are impossible to value. This means more time with family or simply less to cross off on the “to-do” list.
So resolve to streamline your investment portfolio. There are plenty of ways to do this.
One is to stop being an “investment clutterbug”. Like the clothes hanging in your wardrobe that don’t fit, there may be some obvious investment things to ditch. Perhaps you have a small share portfolio that runs alongside your larger main pension. If you’ve been lovingly tending a portfolio of small company investments that’s only broken even over 10 years, it’s time to take them to the charity shop.
You could also weed out the poor performers. Two years of a fund underperforming its peers or benchmark index rings alarm bells. Ditch any that have underperformed by 5 per cent or more over a three-year period.
That will leave fewer investments to monitor. But if you want a more radical overhaul, sell everything (watching out for trading costs as you do), and replace with a few low-effort “buy and hold” investments.
When I was a young journalist starting out in 1997 there was a brilliant book called the Armchair Investor by Bernice Cohen and an accompanying Channel 4 show called Mrs Cohen’s Money. Britain’s best-known private investor was female and a former dentist; fancy that! Hers was a cautious, lower-risk, attitude to investing. 
1997 年,当我还是一名初出茅庐的年轻记者时,伯尼斯•科恩(Bernice Cohen)写了一本名为《扶手椅上的投资者》(The Armchair Investor)的精彩书籍,与之配套的第4频道节目名为《科恩夫人的钱》(Mrs Cohen's Money)。这位英国最著名的私人投资者是一位女性,而且曾是一名牙医!想不到吧!她对投资持谨慎、低风险的态度。
She advised her audience to buy shares in top FTSE companies, reinvest the dividends, then watch them appreciate over decades. As a keen believer in reinvesting dividends to increase the number of shares held in a good, solid company, I’m still a fan today.
However, solid companies can wax and wane — the FTSE 100 turned 40 this month with only 29 of its original members still present. So there’s no harm in letting a few professional fund managers do this for you.
然而,稳健的公司也有衰落的时候--富时 100 指数本月已满 40 周岁,但其原有成员中只有 29 家仍在。因此,让一些专业的基金经理来为您做这件事也无妨。
To improve your streamlined portfolio even more, make sure the professionally managed funds you choose are low cost. Even small differences in fees can consume big chunks of your returns over time.
You could pick up a passive fund that accumulates dividends for you such as Vanguard FTSE UK Equity Income Index, with a low charge of 0.14 per cent. However, new research from Morningstar found passive index-tracking equity income funds have “consistently” underperformed their actively managed rivals over the past decade. An issue is that many passives look at historic dividends and do not try to anticipate whether a dividend is sustainable.
你可以选择一只积累股息的被动基金,比如先锋富时英国股息收益指数(Vanguard FTSE UK Equity Income Index),费用低至0.14%。然而,晨星(Morningstar)最新研究发现,在过去十年中,被动指数跟踪的股息收益基金“一直”表现不如主动管理的竞争对手。一个问题是许多被动基金只关注历史股息,而不试图预测股息是否可持续。
You can still make your active UK equity income selections relatively low cost by buying an investment trust such as City of London, with an ongoing charge of 0.37 per cent — and which I own — or Law Debenture at 0.49 per cent.
通过购买伦敦金融城(City of London)等投资信托基金(持续费用为 0.37%,我持有该基金)或 Law Debenture(费用为 0.49%),您仍然可以以相对较低的成本选择主动型英国股票收益基金。
Having sorted your “home” fund, you’ll also need one that focuses on the global (ex-UK) markets. Vanguard’s FTSE Developed World ex-UK Equity Index Fund would plug the gap neatly, while JPMorgan Global Growth and Income Trust is a decent option that is rivalling passives with its charge of 0.22 per cent.  
选好“母基金”后,您还需要一个专注于全球(英国除外)市场的基金。先锋(Vanguard)的富时发达世界(英国除外)股票指数基金(FTSE Developed World ex-UK Equity Index Fund)可以很好地填补这一空白,而摩根大通全球增长与收益信托基金(JPMorgan Global Growth and Income Trust)也是一个不错的选择,它的收费为 0.22%,可以与被动型基金相媲美。
You can reduce your risk by adding in a fixed income or “bonds” element. Vanguard’s Investor Questionnaire tool will suggest how much to hold in stocks vs bonds. It has a catch-all Vanguard Global Bond Index GBP Hedged fund or there’s the more expensive actively managed M&G Global Macro Bond Fund instead.
The upshot is your entire investment job can be done with up to five funds. 
The other big task left to do is to consolidate your pensions and Isas, cutting out the stress of admin. You can do this by transferring to a single investment platform, choosing one wisely using a comparison website such as
You might be able to take advantage of transfer-in deals. Some of the biggest platforms are offering bonuses to new customers bringing in funds and existing customers who add to their investments. These include up to £5,000 for a pension transfer to Interactive Investor, up to £3,500 to Hargreaves Lansdown, plus £500 for transfers to AJ Bell.
您可能能够利用转入交易。一些最大的平台为将资金转入的新客户和增加投资的现有客户提供奖金。其中包括将养老金转入互动投资者(Interactive Investor)可获得高达5000英镑的奖金,将资金转入Hargreaves Lansdown可获得高达3500英镑的奖金,以及转入AJ Bell可获得500英镑的奖金。

Stop checking your investments so often. That will free up time to do more of the things you enjoy, or deal with those curveballs

Moira O’Neill


莫伊拉•奥尼尔(Moira O’Neill)
You probably won’t do all these steps in one go. Just make a start with one. But expect a great sense of wellbeing, akin to that from tidying your shed, emptying the attic or organising a wardrobe. 
With less “money stuff” to think about, you’re also clearing your mind. I’m sure once my tax bill is paid, I’ll feel a whole lot better.
Finally, stop checking your investments so often. That will free up time to do more of the things you enjoy, or deal with those curveballs.
You’ll also lower your risk of a heart attack. Yes, there’s real evidence for this — a Chinese study found stock market volatility is associated with increased risk of hospital admission for cardiovascular disease.
In his book, Thinking, Fast and Slow the economist Daniel Kahneman suggests glancing at your investment portfolio every three months. Anything more frequent may be hazardous to our cognitive function and mental health. Plus, the deliberate avoidance of exposure to short-term outcomes improves the quality of your decisions, meaning you’re more likely to end up richer.
经济学家丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)在《思考,快与慢》(Thinking, Fast and Slow)一书中建议,每三个月查看一下自己的投资组合。更频繁的检查可能对我们的认知功能和心理健康有害。此外,有意避免暴露于短期结果可以提高你的决策质量,这意味着你最终更有可能变得更富有。
Moira O’Neill is a freelance money and investment writer. X: @MoiraONeill, Instagram @MoiraOnMoney, email: moira.o’
莫伊拉•奥尼尔(Moira O 'Neill)是一名自由理财和投资作家。X:@MoiraONeill, Instagram@MoiraOnMoney, 电子邮件:moira.o’











